Texas Energy News October 13, 2022

Energy Saving Tips for Your Home

Knowing where to start saving energy can be overwhelming. Let Value Power's team of seasoned electricity experts help you start making your home more energy efficient.


As prices soar, saving money is more important than ever. It’s hard to know exactly where to start, but saving money can easily start at home. Whether looking for sustainable energy sources for your home or simply reducing your home’s electricity costs, Value Power’s energy-saving tips will help you save money.

What is Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency isn’t solely about adding new light bulbs and turning off lights when you’re not in the room. It’s a way to improve your home’s health, just like taking on vigorous exercise maintains your body’s health. Think of energy efficiency as reducing energy waste. Below are some ways that energy conservation is great for you.

  • Save you money on your utility bills.
  • There can be tax rebates on certain energy-saving switches (it depends on the state).
  • You can lower your carbon footprint.
  • Increase your quality of life.
  • Making these changes is good for the economy.

Energy efficiency isn’t difficult to understand, but knowing where to start can be overwhelming. There are so many lists out there that don’t break down where to start for creating an energy-efficient home unless you are building one from scratch. Getting an energy efficiency audit is a great place to start.

Energy Efficiency Audit

An energy efficiency audit may sound like a foreign concept. However, it’s a great step forward to discovering the cost-effective measures you can take to improve your home’s energy efficiency.

You may be wondering what exactly an energy auditor does. They are specialists using specialized tools and skills to evaluate where your home can improve its comfort and efficiency. The assessment also examines your energy use by reviewing your past energy bills.

You can hire an energy auditor, or you can do it yourself. There are home energy monitors you can buy that track your house’s energy usage in real-time. These monitors send the information directly to an app on your smartphone. If you hire a professional, they do the same work as getting the free audit, but it costs you money, and the price varies from location to location.

Getting an energy audit is a great place to start if you are having a difficult time figuring out how to save energy or if you want concise actions to take to save on energy.

Home Improvements for Energy Efficiency

You can make your home more energy efficient, but saving money in the long run often costs more. The high cost of an energy-efficient home tends to turn people away from making the changes. Some home improvements are less costly than others to help you save for the major ones you may need.


Making sure your walls are insulated is a great place to start saving money and energy. Having well-insulated walls can slow how heat flows in and out during the summer and winter. So, if there is no insulation between the wall cavities, you are losing energy. One solution is blown-in insulation, which significantly improves the comfort level in your home. Contact a professional to figure out your wall’s best options.


Unfinished attics can suffer from the same problem as uninsulated walls. Adding insulation includes getting it added to the floors and rafters. Another attic improvement is installing an attic fan. This fan helps to remove the hot air from the attic and prevent it from spreading. Contact a professional to figure out the best options for your attic.


So much energy is lost through your home’s windows, whether they are poorly insulated or they have air leaks. Upgrading them helps give you energy-efficient windows. However, replacing your old, drafty windows is expensive upfront and energy- and money-saving in the long run. Another less costly option is adding weather stripping, storm windows, solar shades, tinting film, or sealing cracks around windows.


Doors are another way that you are quickly losing energy in your home. They, along with windows, are easy to check for air leaks. You can easily make improvements by adding weather stripping or sealing cracks around your doors. While these home improvements don’t sound costly, it may turn out that you may want or need to get a new door altogether.


Landscaping for your home can be costly or inexpensive depending on your home’s needs to help make it more energy efficient. Lush trees around your windows help add shading to your home during the summer months, and the bare trees let the sun warm your house during the winter. Add native plants and flowers to your garden beds. Native plants are more energy efficient and better equipped for growing in your climate, so they should require less water overall. Talking with an expert at your local nursery will give you an idea about which plants would work best for you.

Solar Panels

While often costlier than other home improvements, solar panels definitely have a higher return on investment for saving energy. They save you money and energy by converting the sun’s light into electricity, which is a clean and renewable energy source. Before going ahead and buying solar panels to be installed, check with your mortgage lender first to see how it will affect your mortgage.

Install Dimmer Switches

Getting a dimmer switch doesn’t seem like a costly home improvement, but it can be. The switch itself is quite inexpensive, but the installation is more pricey. There are some dimmer switches that an app can control. However, dimmer switches help you save money by allowing you to adjust the brightness to suit your mood while reducing wattage and output to save electricity. You will need to get lightbulbs that work with dimmer switches.

HVAC System

An often under-considered part of your home is the air ducts. If your HVAC system isn’t working properly, you might be wondering why you’re still hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. It might not be working well due to holes, clogs, leaks, or old filters. Speak with a professional to figure out whether you need to replace your old HVAC system with a new energy-efficient one or if fixing holes, leaks, or cleaning clogs is enough to get your system back to good.

These aren’t the only home improvements you can make for a more energy-efficient home, but they are a good start. If you had an energy audit performed, it would help you pinpoint what improvements are necessary.

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Not all changes to your home have to be costly, but some little changes can set you back. Many of the changes below are easy and convenient to make throughout the year. Not all energy-efficient upgrades need to be made all at once.

  • Change Your Lightbulbs
    • When your incandescent lightbulbs burn out, replace them with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or LED bulbs.
    • Yes, these energy-efficient lightbulbs cost more upfront, but they last longer and use less electricity.
  • Seal Air Leaks, Cracks, and Drafts in Your Home
    • When you check your home for air coming in where it shouldn’t, it is an easy way to figure out where you are losing energy.
    • Some air leak fixes are as simple as resealing your windows.
    • Many cracks around doors and windows are easy to fix in your home, or you can hire a professional.
    • If your doors aren’t reaching the ground the way they should, you are paying to heat and air condition the outdoors! Weathering strips are a quick, affordable way to keep your home’s energy where it belongs.
    • For those with fireplaces, you should make sure that the fireplace damper is working correctly. A professional can make sure that the damper is in place and functioning the way it should.
  • Use Smart Power Strips
    • Power strips are a great way to save energy without overloading your outlets.
    • Smart power strips cut off the current when devices aren’t in use.
    • You can control many smart power strips through an app on your smartphone to turn off your appliances which are major energy suckers when you are far from home.
    • You can also use smart plugs just like a smart power strip.
  • Replace Your Showerheads
    • Low-flow showerheads allow less water flow to save you money by halving your water consumption.
    • Low-flow showerheads can also increase the water pressure in your shower depending on the brand you buy.
    • The cost of these showerheads varies depending on the brand you choose for your home.
  • Replace Your Air Filters
    • While it can be hard to keep track of, replace your air filter every three months.
    • Upkeep with your air filter keeps your HVAC system from being overworked.
  • Tankless Water Heater
    • These are costly upfront, but switching to a tankless water heater saves on the appliance that consumes the most electricity.
    • A tankless water heater provides instantaneous, on-demand hot water without you needing to waste electricity when you’re not running the tap.
  • Replacing Older Furnaces
    • The energy efficiency level of your furnace changes depending on the year you had it installed.
    • Don’t replace your older furnace with a more energy efficient one until you need it. Furnace replacement is costly, from the furnace itself to the cost of having it installed.

These little home upgrades can save you money in the long run on top of saving energy. Make the decision based on your energy audit or the little changes you can make without breaking the bank or by budgeting for the big-ticket items.  

How To Save Money On Your Electric Bill Without Spending Money

Not all changes you can make for an energy-efficient home have to cost anything for big savings. Making little changes in your daily routine can lead to sizable savings on your utility bills. You can break down some of these changes by the overall home, the kitchen, and the bathroom.

Overall Homes

  • Adjust Your Thermostat
    • Keep your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter to lower your energy bill.
    • Keep your thermostat at 78 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer to lower your energy bill.
    • Setting your home at these temperatures will stop your HVAC system from being overworked.
    • Check the location of your thermostat. If it’s near a heat source, you may be getting inaccurate temperature readings from the thermometer in the thermostat.
    • Smart thermostats allow you to adjust your home’s temperature when you are away, which is great if you notice significant weather changes happening when you are away traveling.
  • Unplug Electronics and Appliances
    • Even when you turn off electronics and appliances, phantom energy leeches out of your devices to consume energy.
    • Unplug your coffee maker, phone charger, and the like when you are not using them to save energy.
    • Don’t unplug your refrigerators and freezers if you are still using them.
  • Make Optimal Use of Your Fans
    • Fans are great for keeping the cooler air moving in the summer.
    • During the winter, reverse your fans to recirculate the heat that builds up near your ceiling.
  • Turn Your Water Heater Temperature Down
    • Many water heaters are default set at high temperatures.
    • Each ten-degree reduction on your water heater saves between 3 and 5 percent in your home energy costs.
  • When to Run Your Washing Machine and Dryer
    • Make sure your washing machine is full before you run it.
    • Run your washing machine and dryer during off-peak times (early morning or late evening).
    • Use cold water to clean your clothes.
    • If possible, line-dry your clothes and sheets.
  • Use Cold Water Whenever Possible
  • Turn Off Lights When Not in Use
    • Turn the lights off when you are not at home or in a room.
    • It’s pretty basic, and you are probably already doing it.
  • Windows
    • During the winter, open your blinds or curtains to let natural light warm your home during the day.
    • During the summer, close your blinds or curtains to keep your home cooler in the daytime.


  • Your Refrigerator
    • You should have around an inch of space surrounding your refrigerator for improved air circulation to make it run more efficiently.
    • If you happen to have already bought a new refrigerator, don’t leave the old one plugged in with the hope of continuing to use it. You can donate to the old one.
    • Defrost your refrigerator and freezer before the buildup gets to ¼-inch thick to ensure both runs efficiently.
    • Keep your freezer and refrigerator full to make sure they are operating efficiently.
  • Use Appliances Other Than Your Stove and Oven
    • Air fryers, crock pots, pressure cookers, microwaves, etc., are great alternatives to save energy, especially during the summer, since they cost less to use and emit less heat.
  • Ways to Optimize Stove and Oven
    • Turn off your burner a little early, and the radiant heat will keep cooking your food.
    • Keep the oven closed when you use it to keep the heat in and prevent your oven from working harder to get back up to temperature.
    • Turn off your oven a few minutes before the time is up. The radiant heat will keep cooking your food.
  • Use Cold Water When Possible
  • When to Run Your Dishwasher
    • Make sure your dishwasher is full before you run it.
    • Run your dishwasher during off-peak times (early morning or late evening).
    • Use the air-dry option on your dishwasher. If you don’t have one, then open the door after the cycle ends and allow the dishes to air dry.


  • Use Cold Water When Possible
    • No one likes cold baths or showers, but using cold water saves money and energy.
  • Shorten Your Shower Time
    • Reducing your water consumption helps save money and energy in the long run.
  • Take Fewer Baths
    • Taking fewer to no baths saves money since there is less water waste.

While these are not the only free changes you can make in your daily life, they are some of the most popular changes. Best of all, you may have already included some of these energy-efficient changes in your daily life! Another stress-free way to save money on your electric bill is by checking out Value Power's affordable pricing and plans.

Ready to Start Making Energy Saving Changes in Your Home?

At Value Power, we value high-quality customer service and promise to remain committed to your needs without gimmicks. We are a team of seasoned retail electricity experts who have been serving residential customers since the beginning of deregulation and Power To Choose in Texas almost 20 years ago. Let us help you understand more about making energy-saving switches in your home.