Understanding My Bill

Questions about your bill? See the detailed explanation below:

1 Account Number - A unique account number that has been assigned to you by Value Power. Please note that this may be different from your old account number.
2 Bill Number - A unique identifier specific to the billing statement for the month in which this bill was generated.
3 Bill Date - The date on which your bill was issued.
4 Billing Address - The address Value Power has on record for all the correspondence mailed to you.
5 Electric Service identifier (ESI ID#) - The unique number that identifies your electric service location. This is not the same as your account number.
6 Service Address - The address at which the electricity is being supplied.
7 Bill Period - The dates during you were supplied electricity and for which this bill was generated.
8 Bill Summary - A summary that shows the following:
  1. Previous Balance, which is the unpaid balance from the previous bill;
  2. New Charges, which reflect the sum of all electric service charges including applicable sales and taxes for the current Bill Period;
  3. Payments/Adj, which reflect payments and/or adjustments received by Value Power since the previous bill;
  4. Due Amount, which is the total amount due by the Due Date to avoid the Late Penalty; and
  5. Due Date, which is the date by which your payment is due to avoid the late Payment Penalty.
9 Energy Usage Calculation - A summary that shows the following:
  1. Meter, which is the unique number that identifies Service Address Meter;
  2. Type, which identifies whether your bill is based upon an actual or an estimate usage. In the event yuor bill is based on a usage estimated by your transmission and Distribution Service Provider ("TDSP"), you will see "Est" written in this section;
  3. Date, which reflects the current Billing Perooid;
  4. Curr. Rd, which shows the current numerical reading on your meter by yoyr TDSP;
  5. Prev. Rd, which shows the numerical reading on your meter from the previous reading by your TDSP;
  6. Mult, which is the multiplier used to calculate your bill; and
  7. Usage, which is the amunt of energy in kilowatt hours ("kWh") consumed during the current billing cycle.
10 Current Charges - The amount of energy you consumed multiplied by your contracted all-in rate, which includes charges assessed by your TDSP.
11 Sales Taxes - Sales tax collected by authorized taxing authorities, such as the state, cities, and special purpose districts.
12 Total Amount Due - The amount you are required to pay by the due date to avoid a Late Payment Penalty.
13 Contract Details - Shows the electricity plan under which you receive service, the average price you paid for electricity during the billing cycle and the contract expiration date.

Value Power Contact Information - Value Power's physical address, customer service phone number, e-mail address, and Public Utility Commission of Texas ("PUCT") license number.


TDSP Contact Information - The mailing address, main phone number, and outage phone number for your local TDSP.


Usage History - A graph that shows your historical monthly usage patterns for up to 13 months. Please note that the graph will start reflecting your usage history beginning with this new bill format and continue to populatw with each subsequent month going forward.


Late Payment Penalty - A charged assessed for late payments in accordance with the PUCT.


Donations to Value Power electricity payment assistance program


Bar Code - An internal code used by Value Power to process your payments.